I needn’t have worried. From the first page we had lift off. Once again I struggled to put the book down. High action, intrigue, issues of trust and betrayal keep the tension high.
LaRoux Industries has been the darling of the universe for decades but behind the company’s commercial façade lies an underbelly of dangerous experimentation that could bring the galaxy to the brink of destruction. Over the years it has left no trail to connect it to tragedies that have affected tens of thousands of lives.
If the people you loved had been killed, what would you do? Would you have the courage to plan a revenge murder, perhaps a universe-wide media exposure of the culprit? Enter Sofia Quinn, deception queen, and the Knave of Hearts whose real identity no one knows. Neither can remember what it is like to trust, for good reasons. Their motives are the same but their plans, planets apart. Can they join forces to achieve the unimaginable? Could either of them begin to trust again after so long? Is anything more than trust possible?
Title: Their Fractured Light
Author: Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner
Publisher: Allen & Unwin, $18.99 RRP
Publication Date: December 2015
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781743319710
For ages: 13+
Type: Young Adult Fiction
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