Below are four good iPad apps that are free today and only for a limited period of time. The list includes Filmmaker Pro which is a powerful video editing and movie maker app to use to create awesome educational documentaries and instructional videos; Hashpic is a reference picture note app students can use to take picture notes and organize them using hashtags. The two remaining apps : Addition Flashcard Math and Calendars 5 are consecutively for learning math (for kids) and creating and managing tasks and events. Enjoy
1- Filmmaker Pro - Full Featured Video Editor and Movie Maker
'Filmmaker Pro is a full featured video editing and recording app from the makers of the award winning app, ProCam 3. Capture the perfect video using Filmmaker Pro's advanced, yet simple camera settings and create beautiful compositions by adding transitions, filters, audio tracks, voiceovers, text overlays, and much more.'
2- Calendars 5 - Event and Task Manager with Google Calendar Sync
3- Hashpic
‘#hashpic is an excellent iPad app for taking picture notes. It’s a powerful and reliable alternative for using your iPad’s camera to snap pictures of things you want to remember. You no longer have to waste those precious moments scrolling through your camera roll to find pictures you have taken awhile ago. With #hashpic you can easily grab a photo and add hashtags to it so you can find it effortlessly. You can even import pictures you already have in your camera roll and hashpic them too.’
4- Addition Flashcard Math Match Games for Kids
'Addition Flashcard Quiz Match provides a set of energetic and common core compliant math challenges designed by teachers to motivate and build confidence in kids learning addition!'
Courtesy of Apps Gone Free.
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