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Apple is required to pay 55.3 million dollars as compensation for a French agency

One of the French agency, which aims to obtain compensation valued at 55.3 million dollars from Apple because of some of the issues relating to illegal contracts. This French agency concerned here is the French Agency DGCCRF responsible for combating fraud and the adoption of fair competition and protect consumers. The agency has decided to file a lawsuit against Apple in the Commercial Court in the french capital Paris.

In this issue the French agency DGCCRF claims that Apple imposes on local telecommunications companies no illegally contracts pointing out that the contracts with the French telecommunications companies are not balanced so that tends to be in favor of Apple by a larger. In fact, the French Agency showed that there are at least 10 conditions can be found in the contracts imposed by Apple on these companies, which are to be not illegal at all.

These conditions imposed on telecommunications companies minimum purchase of iPhone phones during a time period of three years, not to mention the abolition of support for the fix of the iPhone, which ended guarantee. Also enables Apple to benefit from patents and trademarks belonging to these companies.

If there is a ruling in favor of the French agency DGCCRF, it is likely that Apple will have to pay 14 million euros to SFR company, and about 11.6 million euros to Orange company, and about 8.2 million euros in favor of the Free Mobile company, as well as 6.7 million euros to Bouygues Telecom company, let alone eight million euros in fines. If so, this is a very small financial loss for Apple, but this may be a dangerous precedent for Apple in other places of the world.


