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Auto cancellation issues affecting some Vive pre-orders; HTC working on fix

HTC received a lot of pre-orders for its Vive virtual reality headset, but the company is facing issues while processing them. In a blog post on the matter, the company revealed that some of the pre-orders have been affected by auto cancellations, something which happened "due to processing issues with financial institutions."
"We’re actively working to resolve this, and have already reinstated orders for some customers," HTC said. "We want to assure our customers that we’ll work with them to process their payment so they can receive their Vive when they were expecting it."
The company is also encouraging customers to contact their financial institution to notify them of upcoming charges. In case of any related query, you can also contact HTC at +1 888-216-4736 or online at Vive Support (hit the link below).
