Below are two great websites where you can access and read popular publications in the field of art and humanities. Some of the works provided are even out-of print and some of them are also available for free download but make sure you check the sites Terms of Use to better understand what you can and can’t download. Additionally, both of the websites include a sophisticated search functionality that allows you to easily locate books and other types of publications. Check them out and share with us what you think of them. enjoy
1- Getty Publications Virtual Library
Getty Publications Virtual Library offers users access to its archives of publications spanning over 40 years of its history. Titles cover different topics including art, archeology, photography, architecture, the Humanities and many more. You can use the search functionality in the site to search for books by author name, title, ‘keyword and include full descriptions, tables of contents, links to read online, to purchase the print book, to find in a library, or to download the complete PDF for free for personal use terms of use).’ Also, 'Publications include illustrated works on artists and art history, exhibition catalogues, works on cultural history, research on the conservation of materials and archaeological sites, scholarly monographs, critical editions of translated works, comprehensive studies of the Getty's collections, and educational books on art to interest children of all ages.'
‘MetPublications is a portal to The Met's comprehensive publishing program with over 1,500 titles, including books, online publications, and Bulletins and Journals from the last five decades. MetPublications includes a description and table of contents for most titles, as well as information about the authors, reviews, awards, and links to related Met titles by author and by theme. Current book titles that are in-print may be previewed and fully searched online, with a link to purchase the book. The full contents of almost all other book titles may be read online, searched, or downloaded as a PDF. Many of these out-of-print books will be available for purchase, when rights permit, through print-on-demand capabilities in association with Yale University Press. For the Met's Bulletin, all but the most recent issue can be downloaded as a PDF. For the Met's Journal, all individual articles and entire volumes can be downloaded as a PDF.’
Courtesy of Open Culture
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