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5 Best Apps to Check Important Statistics on Android

I’m pretty sure that most of you haven’t taken full advantage of your android device. There are amazing android applications that can be very helpful in checking various statistics o your device. You get to know how long your device is being used, data usage, hardware information and some other important statistics.

Today, I’ll highlight the top 5 most amazing application for checking stats on android. I’ve written guide about some of them, so I’ll provide you guys with their download link via the already detailed guide so you can also read more details about the applications.

Let’s roll…

1.       Phone habit Checker with Checky

Checky is a very important application that lets you know the number of times you’ve used your android device. In other words, you get to check stats of your phone habit and know how much you’re addicted to your device.

With this app, at least you gain consciousness of how much you make use of your device on daily basis and keep check of time. It’s a very useful app for serious minded persons and time conscious persons. So, if you’re among these types of persons, I advise you get the checky app.
I’m moderately satisfied with the built-in data usage monitor on android device, but I’m not impressed with it because most of the statistics displayed aren’t accurate. We don’t even get to view our real time data usage for every app on our android device and some other statistics. But with this third party data usage monitor, you get to monitor every internet data usage for every application and get accurate statistics.

With the helping hand of data usage monitor, you get measures on data usage and now how to minimize data consumption on your android device. Recently, I briefed you guys on how to save data using YouTube app on android. I advise you go through those guides as they’re also helping factors on data usage monitor and saving data on your device.
I’m pretty sure that most of you don’t know the hardware components and information of your device. You just go to the market, ask for a device with high camera, RAM and ROM specs and that’s it without knowing any further info about the device. You’ve used your device for weeks, months or years, and you don’t even know the type of sensor or processor components embedded on your device, my friend, I assume you got no knowledge of your device.

With Phone tester, you get detailed information of your device. You must have seen most reviews I’ve updated on this blog and begin to wonder how I come about the components featured on those devices, well; phone tester is the secret behind my knowledge about those devices.
The real-time internet meter for android is a very useful application for checking real-time statistics on internet speed. The application lets user know their internet speed and the meter is displayed on the status bar of your android device.

With the app, you get to monitor your traffic stats for every past 30days, features battery efficiency and also provide users with separate mobile stats from WiFi stats and also daily data usage on notification bar which is very helpful.
Callistics is an advanced android application that lets users check accurate stats on call history, received calls and other call statistics for every last 30days. You also get info on data management, advanced chart on call logs and lots more.

I won’t emphasis much on that; you can go through the article I already detailed about callistics and get more highlights. We also got some lovely recording apps for android and mobile call tracker apps for android.


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