Flickr is a powerful photo sharing and hosting platform. It provides a host of excellent features that allows you to easily search for and find pictures and images to use in your instruction. We are talking here about pictures licensed under a Creative Commons License or in public domaine. For those of you new to Flickr, the tips below are essential to help you learn more about how to use Flickr search features to locate CC licensed images. If you are not familiar with what each type of CC License means , you may want to read this page before you proceed.
1- Search photos by license
Photos on Flickr are classified under different licenses. You can use the ‘Any License’ button to specify licenses you are interested in. For instance, selecting 'All creative commons' will return results with photos licensed under CC Licenses.
To know which license the photo comes under and what you are allowed to do with it, click on 'Some rights reserved' and you will be directed to a page where you get more details on the license under question.
2- Search photos by date taken
3- Search with SafeSearch on
This is especially useful when using Flickr with students. They can easily turn on ’Safesearch’ so their search results will not include inappropriate images or offensive content.
4- Flickr Groups
‘Flickr groups are a great way to share photos, post comments, and hold discussions around a common theme’. Groups share topi-specific photos and members get discuss, interact and comment on any topic they like. For instance to search for groups interested in everything related to the topic ‘Moon’, we typed in Moon in search box and selected Groups.
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