Character Lab is a nonprofit with an educational focus on the advancement of the science and practice of character development. Character Lab’s team is composed of dedicated researchers, designers and educators who work in unison to : ‘discover the ideas and strategies that build character, translate scientific insights into educational tools, and create next-generation measures for the purposes of research and self-reflection.’ Character Lab has funded and carried several research studies within schools and classrooms in order to analyze and find out the range of character strengths students can build on to lead a successful and thriving social, emotional and intellectual life.
Through their extensive research in this area, Character Lab identifies a number of character strengths integral to students social and scholarly development. They classified these strengths into three main clusters:
B- Strengths of Mind includes: curiosity, self-control, and zest
C- Strengths of Will includes: grit, mindset, optimism.
Character Lab designed these beautiful visuals highlighting each of the cited character strengths in separate posters. You can use these posters with your students to teach them about the importance of these character strengths. Character Lab also offers several other interesting materials and resources in the form of tools and research papers to help you in the teaching of character development. Posters are available for free download in PDF format from this page. Enjoy
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