I'm shamelessly lifting & adapting from Joyce's NeverEnding Search blog this week - if you follow my Tweets you'll know we're dealing with a family emergency right now (see below) but the TL Cafe is so close to my heart I gotta give you the heads up, right!?
At the TL Virtual Cafe on December 5th, 8PM Eastern, we’ll be hosting a Learning Tools Open Mic/Smackdown/Karaoke. And the plan is to get ready by building a crowd-souced presentation/book.
Joyce & I are listed as presenter & host, but the goal here is for YOU, friends, to do the heavy lifting.
Look back at 2011. What is the most exciting thing you learned? What was the most powerful teaching strategy you tried? Which instructional tools best inspired learners? Did you have an epiphany about how to do something easier, better, cooler in your library or classroom? (Classroom teacher friends are welcome!)
From the tiniest to the most profound new thing, this is your time to share with you colleagues. Think of it as a professional obligation. And, if this works, we’ll make it an annual event!
All you have to do to get ready is to
1. think hard about what you want to share
2. share it as a slide or slides on this crowd-souced presentation/book.
3. remember that we are prepared to offer extra credit for very pretty slides!
4. be prepared to grab the Elluminate mic on Monday, December 5th at 8PM Eastern!"
Session WikipageParticipant Link
Edublog Nominations DEADLINE FRIDAY! If I can't nominate this week, why don't you share those in your PLN who have made a difference in your educational practice!? (and no, that's not a hint to nominate me! really! no....really!)
--PS. Thank you dear readers & Tweeps for your positive thoughts & prayers for my beloved Gramma Scott who is ailing right now and for my family. Especially, my adored Mom! She's the eldest & well, this has been a real hard week for her!
My Edublog Nominations might have to be postponed or I'll promise to pick them up next year. I am so sorry! Family first!
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