So for something a little new, I ventured into a different direction and had quite a time creating what is essentially my first Let’s Play. Using Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds, a trusty recorder with a USB plug for easy file transferring, and FRAPS, the following three Play Times were the result.
Moving away from fast paced action and into something much more technical, Nick upgraded his PS4’s Hard Drive with monstrous file size capabilities for a 2.5” format (aka laptops). Catch up in how he did it and what he thought of the drive he put in!
And then… there was the announcement that Elite Dangerous is coming to consoles. While I personally can game on just about any device I want, I prefer console gaming and in particular as I don’t need to worry about if my Video Card is up to the challenge or not! In case you missed it, check out Robert's time with it!
As usual there have been no shortages of gaming in either regard from the Previews to the Reviews. We’ve had run ins with zombies, angels, demons, and monsters in general both big and small from Roguelikes to Tower Defense and over to running Empires or just sailing the open seas.
Microsoft Xbox One
Microsoft Xbox 360
Nintendo 3DS
Sony PlayStation 3
- Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse
- The Awakened Fate Ultimatum
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
- Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late
Sony PlayStation 4
Sony PlayStation Vita / TV
- Deathtrap
- Gas Guzzlers Extreme
- Gas Guzzlers Extreme: Full Metal Zombie
- Grapple
- The Memory of Eldurim
- There Came an Echo
- Windward
- Pathfinder: Beginner Box Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4
- San Juan
- Shadows of Esteren Book 0: Prologue
- Shadows of Esteren Book 1: Universe
- Shadows of Esteren Book 2: Travels
- Shadows of Esteren: The Monastery of Tuath
- Sentinels of the Multiverse
- Warmachine Two Player Battle Box
Hope you’ve all enjoyed the month of March because April is looking crazy!
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