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TaiG iOS 8.4 Jailbreak for Mac released

Over a month after the original TaiG jailbreak for Windows surfaced, TaiG for Mac is now officially available for OS X users. TaiG for Mac will allow you to jailbreak iOS 8.4 on your Mac without having to resort to using a virtual machine.

Here is the change log for TaiG for Mac:

  • Officially released TaiG Jailbreak Tool for Mac V1.0.0, which support all device with iOS8.1.3-8.4.
Download TaiG for Mac v.1.00

It’s long been rumored that TaiG was working on a Mac version of its jailbreak tool, but we were still unsure if it would ever see the light of day. The PP Jailbreak team tried to steal TaiG’s thunder by releasing their own Mac jailbreak tool for iOS 8.4, but that was met with mixed feelings over accusations over stolen code.
