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Want To Reduce Stress In Your Teen? Android Parental Apps Can Help!

Although your teens don’t have to worry about bills, full time job, or running a household, but they experience different sources of stress; bullying, peer pressure, body image and academic issues, etc. 

Some of the signs of stress can be similar to stress in an adult. Such high degree of stress affect their mental and physical health greatly. A report released by the American Psychological Association, showed that stress levels in teens is higher than what is believed to be healthy; 5.8 on a 10-point scale (healthy level rated 3.9)! 

There are a lot of self help ways you can sue to help your teen fight stress; one of them is Android parental apps. But before you start helping them, it is important to know if your teen us actually stressed or not. Here a few symptoms you can observe in your teen:
  •          Appearing nervous or anxious all the time.
  •          Withdrawal from any activities, usually enjoyed by them before.
  •          Unhealthy sleep habits.
  •          Being cranky and having mood swings.
  •          Feeling worthless.
  •          Losing or gaining weight speedily.

You can also ask them to take this stress quiz, to determine their level of stress. An infographic by longrunshortcut shows that stress is the number one reason of academic disruption in teens.

How Can Android Parenting Apps Help?

You must be wondering, how parental apps can help you in reducing stress in teen. Well, a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, found that sleep deprivation is the major cause of stress in teens. And why does that happen? Because teens are up late at night scrolling on their smartphones, even when they know they have to wake up early the next morning. If you want to reduce their stress level, it is important that they get sufficient amount of sleep.
A tech-savvy way to do this could be to use parental control apps like FamilyTime, to reduce their screen time, with one touch. 

Give this feature a try for yourself by downloading this app on your Android phone, or in a jiffy from the button below:

This app not only offers a wide range of interesting features to monitor your teens online and offline activities. But, also gives you the control to remotely lock their phone from your Dashboard, with just one touch. Once locked their phone will be disabled and can only be activated when the code you receive will be entered in the child app. Simply lock their phones during sleep time and help them reduce the stress.

When Should You Seek Professional Help?

If you feel that despite your efforts, your teen is still struggling with stress. It’s time to take them to a professional help. If not treated at the right time, stress can lead to depression and anxiety. So use Android parental apps for starters and if there is no improvement. immediately get them professional help. A happy, healthy child means a happy, healthy you!

