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Best penetration tools in Kali Linux

Kali Linux is an extension of the system BackTrack, where it was developed in year, then the developers chose this name rather than to call it Back Track R4, and currently has more than 300 tool for penetration testing, collected in a one system is based on the Debian system, which is very strong, and provides more than just the operating system, other than the BackTrack, which was based on ubuntu system.

Kali Linux includes a very large number of tools, hackers usually prefer to use some of them, and we will review some of them

1- Nmap tool

Of well-known tools, working on screening of devices in order to know open ports to be used in the hack, the tool also scans the networks.

2- Webscarab tool

This tool modify the data sent, the thing that allows hackers to penetrate the sites, where works like a proxy for the linking between the server of hackers with the victim site.

3 - Metasploit tool

This tool is programmed by Ruby, and contains a set of tools and codes ready for penetrating the devices remotely without the victim knows this, one of the tools that hackers loved.

4- burpsuite tool

It is a tool employed to penetrate the sites, designed by Java, and allow examine and modify traffic between the browser and the target, and also allows you to send spiders to sites in order to detect the gaps that lead to a hack.

5- maltego tool

It is also based in Java, and is one of the most dangerous tools, where you collect information about people, from e-mail addresses, and phone numbers, and then if someone belongs to a certain organization or companies ... etc.

6- john tool

The hacker succeed in access to passwords, but sometimes he finds it encrypted, therefore this tool helps to break this encryption and show the password as it is.

7- wireshark tool

It is one of the most dangerous tools that allow hackers access to analysis on a specific network,; and through eavesdropping, and through these analyzes can attack them.

These were some of the highlights of the tools in Kali Linux.
