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Cydia Substrate has been updated for iOS 9, but many jailbreak tweaks still won’t work yet

Hot on the heels of the Pangu iOS 9 – 9.0.2 jailbreak, Jay Freeman aka saurik has released an update for the Cydia Substrate.

The fact that Cydia has been updated immediately is great news for jailbreakers. It means that you don’t have to jump through any hoops in order to get Cydia working on your device right after the jailbreak.

With that established, some of you may still deem it best to hold off for a while. That’s because there simply aren’t many tweaks available that work with iOS 9 yet…

While saurik may have known, I think it’s safe to say that the iOS 9 jailbreak caught many of us by surprise, and that includes developers. With this in mind, it’ll probably be at least a week before many of your favorite apps and tweaks are updated for iOS 9.

Put it this way, you wouldn’t be doing yourself much of a disservice by holding off a few days until all of the inevitable bugs are stamped out, until saurik enables Cydia purchases for iOS 9, and developers get around to providing key updates needed to make their tweaks work properly.
