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HTC: it's Apple who copied and not the reverse

The HTC One A9 looks like the iPhone 6 (and the iPhone 6S). And according to HTC, here's why.

There are some days, HTC has released its new high-end HTC One A9. This is the first Android smartphone, apart from the Nexus, to leave after the arrival of version 6.0 of the operating system. But it is not this detail that has most marked the techo users and the press, but the resemblance between this new smartphone and iPhone 6S.

There is no doubt, the rear portions of the two phones are very similar, particularly because of the top and bottom bands. And logically, one would think that this is HTC who copied Apple. In any case, the press did not mince his words, in the image of the site The Verge, which had, for example, wrote that the HTC One A9 is the copy of the iPhone most blatant since the release of the Galaxy S Samsung.

 However, HTC is in some ways that Apple has copied. In any case, the message conveyed is that the HTC One A9 smartphone design is an evolution of that of the HTC One (M7). And Apple would be inspired by this phone. In a tweet, the president of HTC America even calls those who accuse HTC flight of "revisionists". There are some days, he had also stated qu'HTC is the precursor of many innovations in the mobile industry including all-metal shell.

HTC-One-01 In another tweet, the Senior Global Online Communications Manager HTC explains that if you combine the design of the HTC Desire 816 and that of the HTC One M7 (all released in 2013), you get an iPhone 6.

Otherwise, the site Want China Times also quotes the president of HTC North Asia explains qu'HTC did not copy Apple. However, Apple has copied the design of the antenna (the bands in the back). 

And finally, an internal document (slide) suspected of HTC, which was published in the Chinese social network Weibo, suggests that the company had already prepared his defense.

In the picture, we read a quote from Hugo Barra, vice president of Xiaomi. After the Chinese start-up has been accused of theft by the head of design at Apple, Hugo Barra had already stated that the visual language of the iPhone 6 is something "HTC-like".

