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Top 10 Android Hacks, Tips and Tricks

Android is a very cool device that features lots of tricks and hacks once tweaked.

This article details the Top 10 Android hacks, tips and tricks for android smartphone. However, this tweaks and guide helps to change users experience and also the smartphone experience.

I took some of my time to highlight most of our previous articles that details cool android hacks and tricks and I handpicked the top 10 among them.

Top 10 Android Hacks, Tips and Tricks

In this post, I detailed 3 great methods to hack wifi password using android, and most of our readers tested the trick and its confirmed working on 70% android device ranging from mid-range android device to flagship android smartphone.  The post reveals the biggest secret behind WiFi password hack and some other relevance.

2.       Install and Run Backtrack on Android
Backtrack is a Linux based OS tool used to assess vulnerability, exploitation and also penetration testing. It can also be used for Forensics, stress testing, reporting, RFID, privilege escalation, vulnerability assessment, information gathering and other Miscellaneous. So installing backtrack on your android device would do you a great good.
Including Recycle bin feature on your android device is another cool android trick. Once this feature is added, you can easily recover temporary deleted files from your android device. I advice you take a stroll through the process, you would benefit from it.
This is another cool android tips. You can easily generate your personal or business android branded app without coding experience. You don’t need to have any coding knowledge to generate a cool android app. I advise you go through the guide, and you’ll benefit from it.
The common method to bypass any android lock screen is through hard reset and during this process; you’ll definitely lose all files. But using this trick, you can easily bypass android lock screen without hard rest and be on a safer side.
This is an android guide that details over 20 android errors and its fixes. If you got any play store issue and you walk through the process in the guide, I bet you, your android play store won’t be a problem to you again.
This is one cool trick on android development. For fellas that love installing custom roms via recovery mode, and makes use of TWRP Recovery option, then password protecting your TWRP Recovery option would help avoid non-user to access your ROM or flash another custom rom or flashables on your device.
I detailed the 5 best VPN apps for android device. Using any of the VPN tools highlighted in the guide, you can easily change your IP address; Hide your IP address, and also surf online securely. Most of these VPN’s highlighted also helps to bypass some blocked websites online. I advise you talk a stroll through the article.
This is another great android hack. With the method exposed in the guide, you can easily track the exact device alongside with the device location, Mac address and other necessary tracking info of the device connected to your WiFi network. Using the trick, you can easily catch up with those connecting to your WiFi network without permission.
This is another lovely android hack that details how users can easily locate any saved WiFi password on their android device. Using the method exposed, you can easily view the saved password and make use of it on your other device.

That’s all for the Top 10 Android hacks, tricks and tips. Hope you did enjoyed this articles highlighted, and I advise you apply every methods revealed on your android device, as it would improve your experience with android and equally improve the experience of your android device.
