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Cydia Substrate updated to version 0.9.6110

Saurik has one again taken the opportune to prove that he is consistently working on providing an efficient, painless jailbreak experience to all of those who enjoy a liberated iOS device. To celebrate the coming off the weekend, Jay Freeman, the creator of Cydia and the guy often referred to as the “Godfather of modern jailbreaking”, has updated Cydia Substrate to version 0.9.6110, bringing with it a number of important fixes that should prevent a lot of crashes that have been being experienced on jailbroken hardware.

Here's what's new in 0.9.6110:
0.9.6110 fixes an issue where extension [sic] that are corrupt (often on purpose by the developer for obfuscation purposes :/) cause Substrate’s attempt to detect whether the extension will cause the process to crash to actually just cause Substrate to crash :/. (In addition to all of the numerous improvements I make every time I cut a new release).
If you’d like to update, and you should, then simply launch Cydia, go to the Changes tab, and tap the Refresh button in the upper left-hand corner. I’ve already updated and everything seems to be working quite well. Have you? 
