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Tweetbot adds Apple Watch support in latest update

The folks at Tapbots on Tuesday issued an update for their popular Twitter client Tweetbot 4, bringing the iOS app to version 4.1. The update brings about a number of fixes for bugs including timeline jumping and in-app browser issues, as well as proper Apple Watch support.

With it, users will be able to do several different functions within the Watch app, including create new tweets, respond to mentions, while also able to view recent activity and profiles of Twitter users. Users can dictate their tweets by using Force Touch on the Watch’s display, while they’re in the main activity view.

For heavy Twitter users, having a quick access to Tweetbot’s Activity View is a nice addition on the Apple Watch, while also being able to sift through notifications as they happen.

The update also includes patches for some issues with the app, including a bug that would force the Timeline to jump to the top when it was opened, or a bug that caused the Tweetbot browser to get stuck when swiping back into the feed.

Tweetbot 4 launched last month with a refreshed design, a new Activity feed, universal support for iPhone and iPad and many other improvements. It’s currently my favorite Twitter client, and if you haven’t tried it yet, it’s work checking out. You can find it in the App Store for $4.99.
