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Batch Rename Files in OS X

If you need to rename multiple files in Mac OS X, then just follow this simple trick. First, open the folder containing the files. They must be in the same folder and it helps if they are already in some order. If they are already in the order you'd like them to be in, select the first one, hold the shift key, and select the last one. If they are scrambled throughout the folder, hold the command key, and select each one. Now that you've selected your files, right click on any one of them and select "Rename [Number Selected] Items..." You can now choose how you want to rename them. If you want to have them be named "IMG_[Index]" you would select "Format" from the first dropdown menu, select "Name and Index" for the name format, select "After Name" for where the number should be, type "IMG_" for custom format, and finally use either 0 or 1 for the "Start Numbers At" field. I hope this helps!

