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The iPhone 6S is the most-searched on Google, among smartphones for 2015

Google recently announced its list of the most frequently keywords during 2015. In the area of Consumer Tech, iPhone 6S was more keyword searched over the past year.

The list announced by Google include many statistical details, such as clarifying the most important issues that have been searched for during a particular month or a certain period of time, and the number of search requests received for a specific keyword. The list also includes submenus for more keywords over and over, according to different categories, such as: the list of the 10 most frequently Keyword field of movies, music, actors, sports events, people, and others.

With regard to the list of Consumer Tech, the list included 10 smart devices - as expected. Specifically, the list included 7 smart phones and tow tablets and one smart watch. Keywords arrangement came as follows:

On the other hand, talking about the general classification of the most frequent keywords in general and irrespective of their classification, none of the special Consumer Tech keywords was not among the list of the 10 most frequent keywords on the search during the past year. Charlie Hebdo events and the movie Jurassic World and South American football champion captured the attention of researchers even more.


