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Apple seeds second iOS 9.2.1 beta to developers, public beta testers

Less than three weeks after releasing the first beta of iOS 9.2.1, Apple on Monday seeded iOS 9.2.1 beta 2 to its registered developers. The software is also available to public beta testers who are signed on Apple’s Beta Software Program,
iOS 9.2.1 is available right now for developers through the Apple Developer Center, or as an over-the-air (OTA) update on iOS devices that are already running the first iOS 9.2.1 beta. The public beta for those within the Public Beta test is available as well.

As for what is new within iOS 9.2.1, that is not known at this point. Considering it is a minor update in title, being only a .1 release, it’s likely that it will be focused on software improvements, tweaks, and other enhancements to make the overall experience better. If any new features do appear, we’ll update this post accordingly.

The new beta comes nearly a month after the public release of iOS 9.2 back on December 8. As indicated by its minor version number increase, this is likely a small bug fix release. We’ll update the post with any new changes as we encounter them.
