When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
MTN 6GB for N600 isn’t really a one-click data package, but an accumulated package. Actually, it’s a 150MB data plan for N15, but this plan can be renewed and you can use up to 6GB at the rate of N600. So don’t be confused.
The MTN 150MB for N15 is a music plus plan that you can use on your devices with the help of VPN applications. To subscribe, simply text C to 5900 and you’ll be credited with 150MB for 15 Naira. Once you’ve exhausted the 150MB, simply send cancel7c to 5900 and re-subscribe for the plan.
So let’s do the math….
In conclusion… you can use up to 6GB for just N600. (It’s only someone that doesn’t attend math’s class that will remain confused) lol.
For iPhone users… make use of OpenVPN and download the config file here. PC & Android users can also make use of same configuration file. iPhone users, check this guide here for OpenVPN setup, PC users check this guide here for OpenVPN setup. Alternatively, you can make use of simple server for PC… download Simple server here.
Read also:
If you still need some clarifications, please do let me know via comment section… This post is last updated 4/11/2016 with a working OpenVPN configuration file that works on all devices.
Few weeks back, MTN blocked their magic sim tweak and just few days ago, the MTN BIS tweak which has been blazing for the past 3years was finally blocked (Now Working). However, I know that most of you might’ve regretted this and some of you felt stranded thinking of the way forward. You don’t need to feel stranded again; the way forward is what I’ll be revealing to you.
MTN 6GB for N600 isn’t really a one-click data package, but an accumulated package. Actually, it’s a 150MB data plan for N15, but this plan can be renewed and you can use up to 6GB at the rate of N600. So don’t be confused.
So let’s do the math….
N15 x 40 = N600
150MB x 40 = 6000MB = 6GB
In conclusion… you can use up to 6GB for just N600. (It’s only someone that doesn’t attend math’s class that will remain confused) lol.
How can I use this package on Android, iPhone or PC?
For Android users… make use of Netify or psiphon... I tested and confirmed mine with Netify and it worked perfectly by tunneling the whole device.
Tick Remove Port
Proxy type: Real HostProxy Server: musicplus.mtnonline.comReal Proxy Type: Inject…. Save…Now click on the Netify Ninja icon to get to the next settings interfaceTick connect through an HTTP Proxy...Also Tick Use following settings…Host Address: 8080… Go Back and Connect…
For iPhone users… make use of OpenVPN and download the config file here. PC & Android users can also make use of same configuration file. iPhone users, check this guide here for OpenVPN setup, PC users check this guide here for OpenVPN setup. Alternatively, you can make use of simple server for PC… download Simple server here.
Read also:
- How to Get unlimited free Airtime Cash out on All Mobile Networks
- How to Get MTN 2GB data plan for N45 [works on all devices]
If you still need some clarifications, please do let me know via comment section… This post is last updated 4/11/2016 with a working OpenVPN configuration file that works on all devices.
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