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7 Excellent Chromebook Apps for Teachers

May 7, 2016
One of the key challenges facing teachers using Chromebooks in their instruction is finding  relevant educational apps to use with students in class. Searching  Chrome app store can be a tedious and time-consuming task especially for teachers whose schedules are already super busy. This is where curated resources such as the chart we previously published here come in handy. And while we continue  to share with you educational resources to use on your Chromebook, from time to time we will be featuring a specifically curated collection embedding what we think are some of the best Chromebooks to try out in your class. For instance, in today's collection we are featuring with you seven excellent Chromebook apps we pulled out from our Chromebook archive. We invite you to check them out and share with us your feedback. Enjoy

'GeoGebra is free dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package. Interactive learning, teaching and evaluation resources created with GeoGebra can be shared and used by everyone at'

Google Keep is a great note taking app to use on your Chromebook. It provides a number of key features that allow you to easily capture your thoughts, add notes and create photo notes. You can also speak your note and have it instantly transcribed for you. Use things such as labels, tags and color codes to organize your notes and easily find them later. Everything you create on Google Keep syncs automatically across all your devices. To learn more about Google Keep, check out this step by step guide we shared last year.

3- Timeline 

Timeline, as its name indicate, is a very good tool from Read Write Think that you can use  to create web based timelines. The tool is very simple and students can use it to graphically represent a sequence of data (events, facts..,etc) along a chronological line. These timelines can be arranged by by date, time or event.

Clarisketch is an interesting app that enables you to create animated sketches by combining speech, drawing and photos. As a teacher, you can use Clarisketch to create flipped classroom videos, explain a complex process or illustrate a given topic using both annotated commentary and recorded audio. You will be able to walk the students through your explanations using features such as highlights, drawings and audio prompts.

5- Evernote Web Clipper

This is definitely a wonderful Chrome extension to use for curating and annotating web content. It allows you to clip web pages and save them right to your Evernote account. Use tags to organize your clipped content and to easily search and find them. Other interesting features provided by this add-on include: the ability to ‘highlight key text from any website or article, use text and visual callouts to draw attention, clip Gmail threads and attachments, share and email clips or create URL links.’

6- ThingLink

ThingLink is an excellent web tool that allows you to create interactive images online. The images you create can come alive by adding to them text, video, music, and links. ThingLink has also recently rolled out a new feature, which is still in beta, that allows you to add interactive pinmarks to YouTube videos. These pin marks can be links to other videos or websites.

‘With Haiku Deck, anyone can create stunning, image-rich slideshows in a fraction of the time required by most presentation software. Easily import photos from Google Drive, Facebook, and other popular sites, or tap into millions of free Creative Commons images through the app's unique built-in keyword image search. Sizing, formatting, and attribution are all handled seamlessly, leaving you plenty of time to focus on your message.’

