Google has recently revamped its template galleries for Docs, Sheets and Slides and introduced some handy pre-designed templates to use with students in class. The galleries are still a work-in progress and feature only a limited set of templates but more will be released in the upcoming weeks. We spent sometime sifting through the Sheets gallery and picked out these two beautiful templates for you to use in your daily teaching. You can customize the templates and change the values to include yours.
To access and use any of these templates, go to Sheets Gallery and click on 'More' on top right hand side and scroll down to 'Education' category.
This is a wonderful grading sheet that allows you to calculate and save students grades. Using the Grades tab, you can enter the assignments, quizzes and tests in Row 2. Then assign the total points possible for each one in Row 3 and students grades will automatically calculated and displayed in columns C/D. This sheet also includes an ‘Individual Report’ tab that lets you view reports for individual students. There are also illustrative charts that are generated automatically for grade distribution based on class average and for average scores per assignment.
2- Attendance
Use this template to easily record class attendance using four major values: present (P), late (L), excused absence(EA), and unexcused absence(UA). You can customize these values from the Attendance Key tab and use the ones you want.
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