Have you ever wondered how many jailbreak tweaks you have installed on your jailbroken iPhone at any given time? Of course, you can always open Cydia and manually count how many tweaks you have inside of the Installed tab, but wouldn’t it be better if there was a running tally of installed tweaks provided right within Cydia? That’s the premise behind Tweak Count 2—a free jailbreak tweak that provides you with a real time tally of installed Cydia tweaks.
It displays the total number of jailbreak tweaks you have installed on your iPhone at any given time. This information is readily available from the Installed tab in Cydia.
Once you install it, head to Cydia and open the Installed tab. You will notice that there’s a package count located in the right corner of Cydia’s navigation bar. Along with this, there’s also a package count residing at the end of the tweak list. This count includes all the packages you have installed including the dependencies as well as developer tools.
The tweak also comes with a dedicated preferences pane accessible via Settings where you’ll find a kill switch toggle to enable or disable it on demand, choose to count all the packages installed, change the color of the label to grey and much more.
If you use a lot of tweaks and are curious as to how many are actually installed at any given time, then Tweak Count 2 is up to the task of providing you with an accurate report.
It displays the total number of jailbreak tweaks you have installed on your iPhone at any given time. This information is readily available from the Installed tab in Cydia.
The tweak also comes with a dedicated preferences pane accessible via Settings where you’ll find a kill switch toggle to enable or disable it on demand, choose to count all the packages installed, change the color of the label to grey and much more.
If you use a lot of tweaks and are curious as to how many are actually installed at any given time, then Tweak Count 2 is up to the task of providing you with an accurate report.
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